Residential Roofing Montana

The truth is, when we replace a roof, we never know what sort of chaos we will find underneath the old roofing. We've found extra layers of roofing on random sections of a house, rotted decking, trusses caved in or snapped, decking missing (we have no dang idea how lol). We've found newspapers printed on aluminium, art drawn on the roofs, beers left tucked inside chimneys from the last roofers to us even! haha

My point is we never know what to expect, so we always come prepared for the worst. In the end, the job is always completed right, and we find a way to make each roof replacement go smooth.

Regardless of what we are installing, or where we are installing.. we always follow city/county codes and go the extra mile to be sure your roof is protected for the long haul.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the usual homeowner go to when it comes to a new roof because they are the most affordable material for a new roof, Roof Replacements Montana. However, that doesn't mean its of the least quality. Allow me to explain a little more in depth;

Lightweight: Shingles are more light weight then other roofing materials such as thicker gauges of metal. Which means it isn't likely that we need to add any structural supports for the new roof.

Cost-effective: They are cheaper then other products as mentioned before. Depending on grade, or if you're using designer shingles, they can cost between $120 - $190 per sq for standard shingles, and around $260 - $300 per sq for presidential lines.

Durability: Most brands of shingles come with a "Good Shingle", "Better Shingle", or a "Best shingle." Each one stronger then the last, less likely to tear, thicker, and more durable against wind and hail damage then the last. A "Good Shingle" would be your thinnest cheapest option, typically lasting between 12yr - 15yr depending on brand and if installed correctly. A "Better Shingle" will potentially get you discounts on your insurance, usually 10% thicker with more durability, lasting between 14yr to 20yr depending on install. A "Best Shingle" is usually 20% thicker, longer nails used to install it, insurance discounts, better warranties, and could last as long as 25 years or longer. Again this depends on the installation and weather conditions. (lifespan is based on our experience and personal opinion)

Ease of Maintenance: Shingles are a lot easier to repair compared to Metal Roofing Montana or membranes. However, the older the roof, the harder it is for us to repair without damaging more shingles.. but it is very possible.

Eco-Friendly: When working with Ellingson Roofing LLC, we prefer to use the most ECO-Friendly Shingles on the market, whenever possible. In addition, by hiring us to do your full roof replacement, it's the same as planting 2 new trees in your neighborhood. This is because we use shingles that have smog reducing granuals built into them, which is better for the environment overall.


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Metal Roofing Montana

Standing Seam Metal

When it comes to metal roofing, Standing Seam Metal is our preferred metal to install. Standing seam is definitely what we recommend. It's also the metal roofing system that we are willing to warranty the longest.

The reason why is because it's entirely a hidden fastener roofing system. This means that not one screw will be visible on the roof. Each panel has a nail strip / screw line that is hidden by the next panel installed.

We use rivets to install the metal on the gable ends, and the ridge cap to fasten the finishing pieces of metal. These rivets just sort of bend through the metal clamping it together, unlike exposed fasteners that puncture your new metal roof.

The other great thing about standing seam metal is that it's less likely to get ripped up by high winds on the eaves. We use a special tool to bend the panel around the drip edge on the eaves, to sort of hook the panel onto. This makes it extremely hard for even the craziest winds in Montana to rip it up.

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